Easy Map Maker — Create your own interactive map.
3 min readMar 14, 2021
Work progress ,Updated and Learning Record
Work progress
- Test mockup with users to get feedback and fix the design (finish) ✅
we get feed back to change tab bar to drop down bar and change color to black to more clearly than grey
- Finish up the WPS mockup app and testing. 🔥- in progress
For WPS mockup, we change tool from xamarin to android studio because it’s too hard to develope without any reference.
This is our reference and modify
For now, we experiment our reference to find the error of wifi range and modify to fit with our project
- Create Drag and Drop mockup website 🔥- in progress
- Write front-end 🔥- in progress
- Prepare database for saving the data of the map 🔥- in progress
Learing Record
- We don’t change the report to Latex form yet but we install and learn some syntax of Latex 🔥- in progress
- Study about library and code for Javascript drag and drop 🔥- in progress
- Study about how to use Wifi Positioning System with Web development🔥- in progress